VICTREX PEEK film was selected for the back pressure regulator diaphragm liner

CIRCOR Instrumentation Technologies selected VICTREX PEEK film for high-temperature performance in its BP-3 Series GO Back Pressure Regulator valve for use in sampling system applications at ambient temperatures up to 260 ° C (500 ° F) The original polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) liner. VICTREX PEEK is a tougher material and does not deform or creep like PTFE. It does not move to the internal valve port and is therefore the ideal solution for this application. CIRCOR uses a 10 mil thick VICTREX PEEK film that works well inside the diaphragm assembly. In this particular application, the medium used is a mixture of H2 and CO at a working pressure of about 435 psi. VICTREX PEEK Films are used as a barrier between the sample process media and the back of the diaphragm (stainless steel in this particular application). The diaphragm is a key wetted part inside the regulator that helps to regulate pressure. In this application, a GO back pressure regulator is used to maintain the constant pressure in the analytical instrument. Because these analyzers are typically used to verify the process media produced in refineries, chemical plants and many other petrochemical / gas processing facilities, the application of such pressure regulators is very demanding. In addition to the excellent high temperature creep resistance required for this application, VICTREX PEEK is also highly pure and is an excellent moisture and gas barrier.

Microwave Ferrite

Microwave Ferrite,Ferrite Magnetic Materials,Microwave Magnetic,Microwave Ferrite Magnetic