Concentration ratio and concentration efficiency of the thickener
After the slurry is concentrated, the ratio of the concentration of the concentrated product to the concentration of the ore before concentration is called the concentration ratio. The concentration ratio is an efficiency index for checking the ease of precipitation of the concentrate slurry in a certain period of time. Concentration is calculated as follows: Where ik is the concentration ratio of the concentrator, times; Where E W - concentration efficiency, %; Ningbo Yejin Supply Chain Management Co.,Ltd ,
R O - the concentration of the concentrate of the concentrator, %;
R K - the concentration of the concentrate in the concentrator, %;
R P - the liquid to solid ratio of the product before concentration;
R A - the liquid to solid ratio of the product after concentration.
After the slurry is concentrated, the ratio of the effective amount of water in the thick product to the amount of effective water in the slurry before concentration is referred to as concentration efficiency or dehydration efficiency. It is one of the indicators for evaluating the efficiency of concentrating equipment . The so-called effective water quantity refers to the amount of water that is actually involved. It is necessary to take into account the amount of water that must be carried out by the solids in the dilute product, taking into account the amount of water that must be retained in the concentrated product. The expression for concentration efficiency is:
W T - the amount of water in the dilute product, tons;
Q - the amount of solids in the dilute product, tons;
R P - the liquid to solid ratio of the ore;
W O - the amount of water in the mine, ton;
W K - the amount of water in the concentrated product, tons;
η W - return water rate, %.